Power, like fire, is neither good or evil but it can be used for good and evil. This TED video is an excellent introduction to the understanding of power, campaigning and citizenship.
Power, like fire, is neither good or evil but it can be used for good and evil. This TED video is an excellent introduction to the understanding of power, campaigning and citizenship.
In recent years social networks and “easy to use” blogging platforms made it easy for non-technical people to publish on the web. Unlike some previous projects Facebook and Twitter made a huge public relations campaign to gain the reputation as being the best platform to reach an audience: free, easy to use and efficient. Activists see social media as an opportunity to directly communicate with large numbers multipliers circumventing traditional media, and it is.
We all should be learning constantly so we can adapt to our fast-changing world and new communications technologies. E-learning is often a great solution because you can practically attend from anywhere at anytime. Usually it’s less expensive than traditional classroom learning and more structured and interactive than traditional books.
In this this talk Dan Pallotta makes us think about non-profit management and how how NGO’s could have more capacity to solve our problems. Would non-profits benefit from more investment in marketing, advertisement and inovation?
On-site sharing buttons can help to promote web pages in social networks. This buttons help users by making it easier to share the link but also remind and/or ask users to share. Most advocacy and news websites use them and they are usually a good idea for most campaigns.
I’m just 40 years old and I feel like a dinosaur every time I remember my first years using the world wide web.
Back in 1996 we used the web with two competing browsers: Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. I had to switch between them because some sites only worked in Netscape and others only worked in Internet Explorer.
Large international campaigns may need to set up multilingual websites, but creating a good site in multiple languages is harder than it looks. First because it may involve dozens of editors located in different countries, but most importantly because of the cultural differences between users from different countries. Design is not an universal language it needs to be adapted to the culture of the countrie/language.
Training helps digital activists to be effective and understand the campaign’s issues, goals, strategy and tools. However, classroom training is expensive and many campaigns/non-profits can’t afford it. For many activists traveling to a different region or country isn’t an option either. E-learning comes to the rescue as a cheaper, effective and more scalable solution.
In 2012 the Internet is a powerful medium because the percentage of regular users is very high and, unlike radio and TV, it is interactive. The interactive nature of the Internet makes it the best medium to recruit and involve supporters to help wining the campaign.
If you build campaign sites, you’ll want them to have a branded look consistent with the campaign design. And that means you (or someone else) has to design the site and create the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files. If you know some CSS and you want to do it, but you are not a front-end developer, this article is for you. If you don’t know how to write any CSS, then you might want to come back latter. Continue reading